A Peek at the Contents
Let the Text Speak: An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics is a concise, yet thorough introduction to the art and science behind interpreting and applying the Bible correctly. In this book, you will learn important principles and skills that will help you to understand what the original authors meant by what they said and how to apply those truths.
Table of Contents:
Foreword vii
Introduction 1
Lesson 1: Foundations 5
Lesson 2: Introduction to
Interpretation and Application 19
Lesson 3: Inerrancy and Infallibility 29
Lesson 4: Scripture Alone 39
Lesson 5: Some Issues
Addressed by Literal Interpretation 45
Lesson 6: Context 51
Lesson 7: Introduction to
Dispensationalism 57
Lesson 8: Figures of Speech 67
Lesson 9: Interpreting Prophecy 75
Lesson 10: Word Studies 85
Lesson 11: Literary Structure 91
Lesson 12: The History of
Biblical Interpretation, Part 1 97
Lesson 13: The History of
BIblical Interpretation, Part 2 103
Lesson 14: The History of
Biblical Interpretation, Part 3 109
Lesson 15: The History of
Biblical Interpretation, Part 4 115
Lesson 16: Speech Acts 121
Lesson 18: The Hermeneutical Spiral 133
Lesson 19: The Process of
Exegesis, Part 1 137
Lesson 20: The Process of
Exegesis, Part 2 143
Lesson 21: The Process of
Exegesis, Part 3 149
Lesson 22: Application 153
Scripture Index 159
About Bold Grace Ministries 169
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