Who Are We?
Bold Grace Ministries is the collection of outreach ministries of Bold Grace Fellowship, which is made up of sister house churches in the DFW area. The outreach here is not about building up our local church membership, but about edifying the universal Body of Christ.
While we have many people serving in various capacities with Bold Grace Ministries who are not part of Bold Grace Fellowship, we function under the church's government and the members of the church help us work toward our goals.
Purpose Statement
Bold Grace Ministries exists to: unite believers under the banner of God's grace (Eph 4:3-6), share the gospel and aid those who will proclaim it faithfully (Rom 10:14-15), increase believers' confidence in the power of the indwelling Christ (Gal 2:20), love without hypocrisy (Rom 12:9a), proclaim the hope of Christ's glorious kingdom (Rom 8:18-21), and equip the saints to share Christ's matchless grace and love with others (2 Tim 2:2).
Our Vision
Grace is relevant. By grace God makes Himself available to men, and by grace He meets our deepest needs. Grace unites us, when we are naturally so prone to division. It frees us from pride and the tyranny of sin and effects holiness and humility.
Yet too often grace is missing or downplayed in our message about Christ, our interactions with one another, and our views on the Christian life. By God's grace, and with the help of like-minded brothers and sisters, we hope to reach out to the world with a message of God's free grace, to unite and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ, and to teach all the ways that His grace is sufficient for us in our pursuit of Christlikeness.
Bold Grace Ministries publishes books (both electronic and traditional), workbooks, and gospel tracts to provide quality grace-based materials that cover a range of topics. Visit our bookstore for more information or to purchase our materials.
Church Planting
Through the Bold Grace Church Planting Initiative, we work with several church planters to encourage them in their efforts to establish local churches in the United States and abroad.
Planning for the Bold Grace Apprenticeship Program has begun. BGAP is comprehensive, real-world training for life, godliness, and ministry. Students will learn while doing under the leadership of experienced ministers, discover how to accurately interpret God's Word for themselves, and receive practical guidance in beginning their service to the Body of Christ. BGAP provides the framework and helpful content to aid coaches in making disciples. Trained apprentices will bring wisdom and Biblical literacy to the field of harvest and be equipped to teach on any Biblical topic.
Bold Grace Summits are gatherings of believers at a local church for growing in the Word, for prayer, worship, and fellowship. Contact us at info@boldgrace.org if you would like information about how to host a Bold Grace Summit.
Things Above, brings practical, grace-for-living truth to people's inbox. "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth" (Col 3:2).
Web Presence
Through boldgrace.org and various social media, Bold Grace Ministries seeks to help people find fellowship and answers, to see how Christ's grace is sufficient for them in every circumstance, and to equip believers for the edification of the Universal Church.
A Note from Our Director
I am often asked, "What made you want to start Bold Grace Ministries?" Bold Grace was born out of a burden to see the community of grace-loving people working together to reach folks who haven't heard a clear grace message. If you ask the average millennial from the world what Christianity is about, he is most likely to say something like, "Christianity is about hating gay people and denying science." And if you ask the average churchgoer what Christianity is about, he is likely to say something like, "Christianity is about trying to please God so I can get to heaven." Both groups are believing the messages they are hearing. The Church is bold, but it's bold about the wrong things and the grace message often goes unheard. Those of us with a grace-centered, Biblical view of life can't help but long for everyone to hear of God's matchless, indescribable gift of grace.
The excellent parachurch ministries that have been proclaiming grace faithfully have historically directed much of their efforts toward clarifying and defending grace and grace-related issues in the theological community. There was no need for a new grace-loving ministry to either compete with them or to duplicate their efforts. But, there was and still is a need for a grace-centered ministry to come alongside and help those who are involved in the grace movement to turn their focus outward and to facilitate reaching beyond the boundaries of our established community. While I absolutely adore the more experienced worshipers we have, our community is getting more and more experienced, and it's getting tougher and tougher to find young people who are passionate about grace and wanting to get involved in the community. We need to reach and train up the next generations. To do this we need to work together to reach out.
The focus of our publishing ministry is based on a present need as well. In addition to the literature the grace community has that is for encouraging and solidifying grace believers, we need literature that will persuade people to adopt faith alone in Christ alone as their own view. On top of this, we need literature from our perspective that addresses other issues, because Free Grace is about much more than knowing we have everlasting life as a free gift from Him. I am regularly asked to recommend books on various topics, and I am often hard-pressed to find something from a grace perspective that addresses the concerns I'm asked about. As great as The Gospel Under Siege is, "Have you read The Gospel Under Siege?" is somehow unsatisfying to someone who is asking me if I can recommend a book from a grace perspective about how to raise a child, or about how to plant a healthy church. We have only begun to address some of these concerns, but this need is part of what we hope to tackle as a publishing ministry.
We also need to equip people not only to defend grace, but to teach and proclaim it. We need to train up capable teachers of God's Word all over the world. As it is now, those who proclaim a works-based gospel dominate international missions (this is not to discount the excellent missions that are occurring; we simply don't have enough of it). In the end, we need church planters who will establish a foothold for grace in towns and cities all over the world which currently have no local church body proclaiming our security and full assurance in Christ.
God made the Body of Christ diverse on purpose, and Bold Grace Ministries is one part of a grace community. We don't exist to compete or replace the fantastic ministries that are already laboring diligently and glorifying the Lord by proclaiming a clear gospel. In fact, we hope to be a blessing to those ministries. We exist to serve other functions, so that as a larger body, the grace community can be healthier, stronger, and more capable together.
Rejoicing in His matchless grace with you,

Grant Hawley
Purpose Statement
Bold Grace Ministries exists to: unite believers under the banner of God's grace (Eph 4:3-6), share the gospel and aid those who will proclaim it faithfully (Rom 10:14-15), increase believers' confidence in the power of the indwelling Christ (Gal 2:20), love without hypocrisy (Rom 12:9a), proclaim the hope of Christ's glorious kingdom (Rom 8:18-21), and equip the saints to share Christ's matchless grace and love with others (2 Tim 2:2).
Our Vision
Grace is relevant. By grace God makes Himself available to men, and by grace He meets our deepest needs. Grace unites us, when we are naturally so prone to division. It frees us from pride and the tyranny of sin and effects holiness and humility.
Yet too often grace is missing or downplayed in our message about Christ, our interactions with one another, and our views on the Christian life. By God's grace, and with the help of like-minded brothers and sisters, we hope to reach out to the world with a message of God's free grace, to unite and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ, and to teach all the ways that His grace is sufficient for us in our pursuit of Christlikeness.